Practitioner Mastery Program

This 350 hour intensive year-long program is for professional movement and manual bodywork practitioners determined to be their best.

If you’re a movement or manual practitioner who’s ready to up-level your skills and maximize the results of your clients – especially if you’re working on functional mechanics and pain management – then you’re in the right place.

The Schatz Method was developed by Gina Schatz while working clinically and with clients. The Method is trademarked; why is this significant? It means the Method is unique – and works!

Three Touchstones comprise the Method: a manual portion, repatterning of both neurologic and functional movement patterns, and intrinsic work. This last part, intrinsic work, is the key to creating permanent client results. Most practitioners are accustomed to training on either manual skills or functional movement, sometimes both. But there must be follow-through when working with compensation, recruitment, pain, injuries, and rehabilitation to corrective function. Movement and manual work just isn’t enough.

Gina created the mastery program for practitioners who want to do expert corrective functional bodywork & movement and are seeking mentorship on how to make that happen. All movement and manual practitioners who are already certified or licensed and are currently working with or are preparing to work with clients within six months are welcome.

Investing in training can be a positive expense, but most of us are underpaid, and if we don’t feel like we’re thriving when we go to work, it will reflect in our results. The Schatz Method Training Academy will support you in transforming your professional goals as a practitioner into reality with the knowledge and skill to back them up. This training is different because it has an in-person component, accountability, community, and a professional development.

You’ll Learn:

  1. The applied principles of alignment, injury, and function
  2. A deep dive into the nature of injuries and how to restore function
  3. Confidence in functional anatomy and knowledge to best assist any student or client
  4. How to replace fear of injuries with keen awareness and kinesiology, so your clients view you as the best in your field
  5. Expertise in assessing misalignments and how they can affect movement and function that contribute to pain, and what to do about them
  6. An arsenal of simple functional assists to implement immediately, allowing you to prevent and treat an injury at the moment – your clients and students will sing your praises
  7. How to help your students and clients stay out of pain
  8. Skill at identifying compensation patterns and offering orthopaedic solutions
  9. Inspiration about your craft and how that inspiration can ignite your private practice
  10. How to position yourself in the marketplace and stand out as an expert
  11.  A marketing plan that matches what you do and how you prefer to work
  12. How to work remotely and in-person
  13. And more!

Included in the program:

Intensive one-on-one training to determine your professional short-term and long-term goals, the current level of assessment in your practice, and the development of your signature system and programs.

Extensive training covering functional anatomy, optimal alignment, client case studies, movement principles, nature of injuries, the probable cause of pain, compensatory patterns, and more.

Professional Development from your money story to your marketing and messaging so that those who need your expertise know that it (and you) exists.

Multiple Learning Structures:

    • LIVE GROUP TRAINING with Gina; engage directly with your mentor during the program’s entirety, no bait-and-switch to another ‘coach’ or trainer.
    • ONE-ON-ONE TRAINING with Gina; while learning the Method, you also have a vision of what you want to create for yourself. Partner with your mentor and chart a unique path while in the program.
    • INDIVIDUAL TRAINING deep dive content into foundational anatomy allows you to process the information with scheduling flexibility.
    • LABS to implement and practice with supervision ensuring you’ve got the tools solidified while working with clients and introducing them to your work.
    • PODs because community is critical; surrounded by like-minded peers with similar goals, we stimulate and cause each other to grow.
    • HOMEWORK to practice skills inside your world with the added benefit of returning to the training sessions for feedback, support, and strategy building.

    + Continuing Education credit for NCBTMB and Yoga Alliance

  • ++Content checklist for each module (every three months) to track proficiency and learning outcomes

  • +++ Curriculum meets all of your professional CE requirements for two calendar years, the year the program commences and the following year at graduation

Practitioner Mastery Program

Year-long Curriculum

This program is dense, and the human body is an endless topic.

That said, it’s a 12-month track, and we’re seeing clients by month four.

Case Studies & Treatment Plans

When a client comes in for one-on-one work, there is a way to create a session that maximizes their time, produces the best results, and leaves them feeling you were worth every dollar. Learning what to look for, ask, and implement so that each hour is wildly valuable is a skill.

Inspired Beyond Anatomy Level 1

Eastern and Western anatomy and physiology to support movement practitioners, including bone and muscle identification, organs and systems, chakras, meridians, planes of movement, reciprocal inhibition, and lever systems, common injuries, and more!

Inspired Beyond Anatomy Level 2

Anatomy, physiology, and workshopping movement practitioners after they’ve been teaching for some time and know they need more knowledge to lead effective classes. Understanding, skill, and implementation are of equal value in this course.

Partnering for a Pain-Free World

Knowing when and who your client needs to reach their goals is the most generous way to treat them holistically. Your clients trust you and deserve the best recommendation you can offer, and it maximizes your work with them (and doesn’t detract).

Muscles & Movement Anatomy

Knowing all muscles of the body, their actions, and how to correctly engage them in movement is mandatory to cue safe movement, identify pain patterns and the source of the pain, and create effective treatment plans.

PNF, Pain, and Observation Masterclasses

Deep dive into three different pain types; learn PNF, the quickest functional tool to release muscles; observe how to navigate small group movement classes when mechanical restrictions are present.

The Science of The Schatz Method ™

Three touchstones make up this clinically developed trademarked method of unveiling the genesis of pain and resolving it permanently. You’ll learn how to add it to your practice and use it to produce top-level results.

Practitioner LAB

Practitioners work with clients and implement the Schatz Method tools in a group setting while being observed and guided by Gina. LABs begin week four of the training program.

Professional Development

How we market and message what we do is the difference between our clients wanting to work with us and wondering if they should. We’ve got to communicate the benefits for them in a way that resonates with them and avoid ‘industry speak’. Regarding money, pricing and creating our programs (not packages) is the only smart way to maximize earning potential and client results.

Breaking Down Sun A

With more than 50 alignment cues in this repetitive movement sequence, we uncover common functional patterns that heal and learn how to avoid the ones that harm – in all forms of movement (not just yoga).

Applied Functional Anatomy

Teaching movement and optimal alignment becomes easy, straightforward, and safe when approached through the 8 Principles of Movement. The body has all the answers!

Intrinsic Core

The ‘core’ is often overlooked and underestimated as a critical component for pain reduction and prevention. We need to know what it is, how it functions, and when to address it to have an entirely pain-free experience.

Sacred Sacrum & Applied Principles of Alignment

The keystone of the body’s structure is the sacrum; if it isn’t aligned, nothing else can be. This principle is the chalice of functional alignment, movement, and function!

The outcomes of the program speak for themselves:

A yoga teacher (actually two) quit full-time corporate jobs and began their private practice as therapeutic yoga teachers just halfway through the training program.

A massage therapist converted her private massage practice into a comprehensive therapeutic practice, alleviating pain for her clients and doubling her earning power.

A Pilates instructor said goodbye to the studio where she worked (and their cut of her earnings) and now sees her clients privately to alleviate their pain and limitations. AND she’s building her empire complete with videos and online sales in a specialty she’s been dreaming about for years.

A yoga teacher who knows all muscles’ names and actions creates treatment plans and programs to serve her clients and address their restrictions and pain with corrective movement using yoga asana.

A personal trainer went from burnout with one-on-one sessions to developing group programs that will meet her desire and increase her income – and she is now armed to address any physical restriction that prevented her clients from working out.

Their dreams may not be yours, but this program will provide you with the tools needed to make your dreams a reality – with a built-in support system and accountability along the way to ensure your transformation.

If it speaks to you, I hope you’ll say YES to your future!


How is the curriculum delivered?

There are several types of learning engagement. You’ll have one-on-one training with Gina, weekly LIVE group training, and a self-guided study of foundational anatomy work. It’s a balanced blend of support, collaboration, accountability, and flexibility.

Can I start anytime or is there a specific start date?

We all start together, and we all get to the finish line together successfully. No one gets left behind. Enrollment is annual, beginning in July.

How long do I have access to the materials?

Everything is available for lifetime access through the Training Academy on any device.

How much time does the program take?

The year-long program is just over 300 hours, broken down into 4 Modules, divided relatively equally throughout each month and approximately 25 hours of study each month. Some of that time is accounted for in weekly LIVE group training for 2 hours, once a quarter, a three-hour one-on-one intensive, and self-guided study + client labs.

What about CE Credits? How many do I receive, and will they apply toward my credentials?

Yes, currently, CEs are approved through YACEP and NCBTMB. CEs depend on the organization you’re affiliated with, and every professional has different qualifications and needs for credits.

What if I miss a LIVE session?

Not to worry, you can easily catch up by reviewing any LIVE group session recording.
Any client LAB missed must be made up before moving on to the next module.
The foundational anatomy lessons are pre-designed content, archived, and available to you within the Training Academy, 24/7.

How do I apply what I’m learning to my career? Is there support for that?

The Mastery Program has a massive component of professional development. Professional development allows us to convey our message, providing excellent support and guidance for our clients and clarifying our marketing and messaging around programs and offerings. Beyond developing skills and gaining knowledge, practitioners deserve a program that supports making a living and working with confidence.

Are you the next success story?

If you are serious about getting people out of pain and discomfort and restoring function,

If you are deserving of a full-time sustainable living doing what you love and need a structure around how to do that,

If you are committed to doing what it takes to learn the program, become a strategic thinker, and

Value the guidance of a mentor and the support of a team of like-minded colleagues,

You very well should be next.

Gina M Schatz


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